- Osahwa
- Calgary
- California
- New Jersey
- Tennessee
- Oregon
- Atlanta
- Houston(coming soon)
Ocean Freight
From factories or warehouses to foreign FBA warehouses and private addresses, CloudUp International offers you an all-in-one service. Entrust your goods to CloudUp for heightened efficiency and security.
Customs clearance And Drayage Services
In major ports like Los Angeles, Long Beach, Atlanta, Savannah, New Jersey, and New York, we have our own fleet of trailer trucks and yards. We provide terminal trailer services to nearly a hundred small and medium-sized domestic sellers.
Overseas Warehousing
In various regions such as Los Angeles, Long Beach, Atlanta, Savannah, New Jersey, and New York, we operate self-owned overseas warehouses. Our services include FBA transshipment, dropshipping, return label exchange, and return repairs. Our warehouses offer versatile functions, catering to all customer needs related to overseas warehousing.
FTL/LTL Last-MileDelivery
With our self-owned overseas warehouses, vehicle fleet, and yards, we provide you with more convenient cross-border logistics services. We present optimal logistics solutions, ensuring faster delivery of domestic goods to international customers' hands.
Please note that some industry-specific terms and acronyms may have specific translations that may differ from the literal translation. It's advisable to review the translation with a native speaker or industry expert to ensure accuracy and clarity.
Disposal of tail goods/return the goods
To assist sellers in resolving the issue of unsold inventory in overseas warehouses, we offer a solution through rapid digestion of surplus goods across 500 offline retail stores and supermarkets throughout the United States. Sellers no longer need to worry about dealing with stagnant or detained inventory, thus addressing post-sale concerns.
Seller Fulfilled Prime
We provide customers with Amazon Vendor Central account joining services. We aid customers in quickly matching precise Vendor Managers through our SAS service, cultivating the seller's very own Vendor Central account. We assist in the realization of Vendor Central's Distribution and Purchase Order functionalities, transforming the process from selling products on Amazon to selling products to Amazon.
Ocean Freight
Customs clearance And Drayage Services
Overseas Warehousing
FTL/LTL Last-MileDelivery
Disposal of tail goods/return the goods
Seller Fulfilled Prime