E-commerce businesses widely use the drop surfing technique. It involves looking for the cheapest vendor each time, saving money by increasing profit margins on sales. With it, they can effectively reduce their management and overhead costs. If you are curious to know more about this platform, this guide will be your best bet!
In it, we will take you through everything you should know
E-commerce businesses widely use the drop surfing technique. It involves looking for the cheapest vendor each time, saving money by increasing profit margins on sales. With it, they can effectively reduce their management and overhead costs. If you are curious to know more about this platform, this guide will be your best bet!
In it, we will take you through everything you should know about drop surfing e-commerce. From its product pricing to trends and comparison with drop shipping, we have explained everything in-depth. So, hop on below to give this comprehensive guide a quick read!
Part 1. What is Drop Surfing?
Drop surfing e-commerce implies a different approach toward drop shipping. Owing to it, drop surfing sellers look for the cheapest price products to maximize their profit costs. Another technique of drop surfing demands looking for in-trend products to increase your sales. Here is a detailed description of these two techniques:
Drop Surfing Product Pricing
Let us clarify the concept with the help of an example. Imagine you have received a makeup kit order from a client. As a drop shipping e-commerce seller, you will browse different platforms, including Amazon, and AliExpress, to spot the supplier offering premium quality products at lower prices.
Proceeding with drop shipping the order with that supplier, you will make more revenue from your sales. For instance, if you have $5 on one makeup kit and have sold hundreds of such kits in a week. You have increased your profit by $500, which corresponds to becoming $2000 in one month.
Drop Surfing Product Trends
This technique involves profiting from products’ popularity for increasing sales. For this purpose, you will need to rely on specialized software and system to figure out the trends beforehand and make preparations accordingly.